May 2017
$6,200 Nominated by: Nancy Hauff Website: Link The Troy Police Honor Guard performs official remembrance to Law Enforcement Professionals who have passed in the line of duty. Troy Police Honor Guard is also utilized for certain events that require dignified display and presentation of our nation’s flag. In addition, the Honor Guard provides financial support to families of Law Enforcement Professionals -Police and Correction Officers- within the State of Michigan- who have passed in the line of duty. As recently as July 2016 through November 2016 they provided funds for the families of 5 fallen Officers from Southeast Michigan. The Honor Guard consists of 13 sworn Officers from the Troy Police Department who are highly trained in the aspects of drill and ceremony, flag presentations and funeral details. The Honor Guard is independent of the Troy Police Department and the Officers volunteer their time for these services. As a 501(c)3 their budget is used solely to support families of fallen Officers. |